Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Favorite Websites

This websites career-related that I've visited are very useful to study because the career-related courses are supplemented.

Atlas Virtual de Anatomia Canina

This website I like a lot because it contains many pictures of dogs dissected and anatomical structure. All samples are very well marked (like an Atlas) and very helpful when the dreaded exam to practice anatomy course. At the time when I've this course I very often visit this site.

This blog which was created by Pastel, I also really like because is useful in a cross for all career-related courses and is updated constantly according to the course that we are having in my generation. This blog contains links to download entire veterinary medicine-related books used to complement their studies and also pictures of the Laboratory Studies performed in our faculty.
This page is like a lifeline for students in my school

Currently, the academic load doesn't give me time to visit many websites, so I show them that we visited in previous years.

OK, I hope enjoy it.


Miss said...

This websites career-related that I've visited are very useful to study because the career-related courses are supplemented.

Atlas Virtual de Anatomia Canina

WO This website I like a lot because it contains many pictures of dogs dissected and anatomical structure. All samples are very well marked (like an Atlas) and very helpful when the dreaded exam to practice anatomy course. At the time when I've this course I very often visit this site.

This blog which was created by Pastel, I also really like because is useful in a cross for all career-related courses and is updated constantly according to the course that we are having in my generation. This blog contains links to download entire veterinary medicine-related books used to complement their studies and also pictures of the Laboratory Studies performed in our faculty.
This page is like a lifeline for students in my school

Currently, the academic load doesn't give me time to visit many websites, so I show them that we visited in previous years.

OK, I hope enjoy it.

Thanks Oscar I'll check them out!